UPDATED. 2024-04-07 22:52 (일)
해외동포 시국선언문 "文정부 역사를 역주행하고 있다"
해외동포 시국선언문 "文정부 역사를 역주행하고 있다"
  • 프리덤뉴스
  • 승인 2018.11.08
  • 댓글 0
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해외애국동포대표자연합회(해동연)8일 문재인 정부가 역사를 역주행하고 있다며 문재인정부는 자유민주주의 법치국가체제로 대한민국 정체성을 회복하고 NLL양보를 원상복구하여 안보를 먼저 굳건히 하라고 요구했다.

해동연은 이날 발표한 시국선언문을 통해 세계 800만 해외동포들을 대신해 9.19 `남북군사합의서`의 위헌성을 지적한 성우회 성명서와 도태우변호사 주축의 `문재인 여적죄 고발`, `지식인 320명의 선언문`(10.26), `나라사랑 전직 외교관모임 시국선언문`(10.30) 등을 전폭 지지한다면서 이같이 촉구했다.

해동연은 그동안 선언문과 호소문을 통해 문재인 정권의 대한민국의 정체성과 법치 파괴 국가주도의 경제실패 북핵정책에서 평화를 내세운 비굴할 정도의 대북유화정책 한미동맹의 파기 위험성을 권고해왔다고 상기시켰다.

해동연은 그럼에도 문재인 정부는 지난 4`판문점 선언`을 했고 그 후속 조처로 `판문점 선언'의 국회 비준동의 절차를 밟으려 했으며, `9.19 평양공동선언`을 통해 `군사합의서`를 공표하여 NLL을 재조정함으로써 많은 영토를 북한에게 내어 주었다고 질타했다.

또한 문재인 정부는 지난달 국무회의에서 국회절차도 없이 군사합의서를 비준했다면서 문정부는 북한의 핵보유를 돕는 이적행위를 하여 안보와 국방을 평화란 미명하에 위태롭게 하며 비굴한 대북 외교참사로 대한민국역사 최대의 위기를 초래하였다고 강조했다.

해동연은 만약 문정부가 해외동포들의 호소를 즉각 시행하지 않을 경우 문정부 퇴진만이 구국의 길이라 보고 고국에 계신 모든 국민들은 이에 동참하길 촉구한다고 말했다.

해동연 시국선언문에 서명한 단체 대표는 아래와 같다.

호주: 신숙희 박사 (재호나라사랑연합회 회장/호주대학강사)

일본: 고재운 회장 (아시아의 자유를 지키는 한일회 회장)

뉴질랜드: 손호현 원장님 (대한부흥 세계연맹 원장)

브라질: 이백수 회장 (전 브라질 한인회장)

캐나다: 이경복 회장 (북한 인권협의회 캐나다 회장)

미국: 마이클리 박사 (전 미국 CIA 요원/북한 전문가)

독일: 송영구 부회장 (전 재독 총연합회 부회장)

Demand of Patriotic Korean Expatriate Leaders presented to the Moon Administration in South Korea

- Demand to oust the Moon Government for their destruction of free democracy, failure in the economy and endangering in national security-

On behalf of the approximately 8 million Korean expatriates (KE), we, representatives of the patriotic KE leaders strongly support the recent series of declarations suggested by the following groups in South Korea (in chronological order).

1) 18 October 2018: ‘Sung Wu Association’ formed by previous General Army Officers.

They claimed the unconstitutional nature of the ‘September 19 Pyeongyang Joint Declaration (PJD)’ and the subsequent ‘Agreement on the Implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration (PD) in the Military Domain’ signed jointly by Moon Jai- in, South Korean’s (SK) President and Kim Jung- eun, North Koreans’ (NK) leader.

2) 26 October 2018: 320 Intellectual leaders from various fields.

320 patriotic leaders have demanded to oust Moon Jae-in to defend the nation at a press conference held in Seoul. They strongly denounced Moon Jae-in’s “treasonous regime”, which is destroying the liberal democracy’s rule of law, national security, and the future of the Republic of Korea.

3) 30 October 2018: 48 former senior officials of the Korean Foreign Service denounced the Moon Jae-in Administration’s “blatant trampling of national security”.

Despite the fact that the Moon Administration (MA) usurped the power in 2017 through hastily organised and illegal impeachment of the first female President Park Geun-hye around two and half years ago, KE wish the MA to lead our nation prosperously and harmoniously in accordance with our constitution. However, we have noticed that the MA has made decisions that are contrary to our expectations in all aspects of politics, economy, foreign affairs, defence and culture. Hence, we have provided constant admonition to the MA in regards to the problems associated with the following matters:1) the denial of the Korean sovereignty, including democratic freedom, 2) unconstitutional policy decisions 3) experiment of the nation- controlled economy and squandering of the lavish welfare system which has resulted in the collapse of its economy 4) weakening of national security and defence system prematurely despite lack of evidence of dismantling nuclear weapons and lethal chemicals by NK and 5) preferential treatment of his supporters and marginalisation of his opponents which has given rise to the intensification of regional and religious conflicts. We have warned that the main roots of the problems can be traced back to the fact that many government officials are the Pro-North Koreans who hold NK’s ideological beliefs and values and hence should be dismissed immediately.

On April 27, President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jung-un jointly signed the ‘PD in the Military Domain’ and the ‘PJD’ on September 19. By signing the declarations, SK opened up the DMZ [demilitarized zone] and NLL [Northern Limit Line] as wished by Kim Jong-un. Moon later hastily ratified the ‘PJD’ and the ‘Agreement on the Implementation of the April 27 PD in the Military Domain’ during the meeting of the State Council on October 23 without any consensus of the people and the National Assembly. These Declarations and subsequent ratifications are typical examples of the MA’s blatant violation of the Constitution of the SK, unilateral decisions made, and subservient treatments to NK. This deferential diplomacy towards NK might bring SK under the influence of NK’s communist ideology. What is worse, South Koreans, including KE felt alarmed to witness the complete disregard for the public appeals during Moon’s speech on the 2019 budget in that the MG will endorse the declarations by all means. Given these circumstances, KE leaders concerned have reached a consensus to support the denouncements, making the following appeals to the MA and Korean people in our motherland.

The MA must

· Recover the identity of our nation by upholding the rule of law and a liberal democracy.

· Restore the privately run- free market system to run the economy efficiently, curbing lavish spending on welfare.

· Reduce spending on a huge amount of tax money wasted on wrong decisions on environmental and welfare policies, making use of experts on economy.

· Prepare for the free unification under one democratic government, stopping the sham peace deals with North Korea.

· Collaborate with UN allies to achieve the CVID (Complete Verifiable Irreversible Dismantlement) and economic sanctions imposed by UN Security Council against NK in the process of denuclearisation, strengthening Korea-U.S. alliance.

· Withdraw the rectifications of the PD and the PJD and abolish the Inter-Korean Military Agreement. This involves repealing the changes in the NLL environment to safeguard SK’s security and defence.

· Stop the too servile diplomacy towards NK and liberate the North Koreans from the shackles of slavery, openly raising the issue of North Korean human rights during dialogues with the North.

· Diminish regional and citizen conflicts not by the relentlessly prosecuting critics of the MA and opponents through fabricated stories by mass media reports, especially YouTube, for propagating "fake news” but by practicing self- proclaimed justice and equality.

If the MA refuses to listen to our plea again this time, we would urge all citizens to joins us to oust Moon Jae- in to save our nation. As Mr Gorden Chang, an American columnist, claims, Moon Jae-in is playing a "dangerous" game with NK as a "North Korea's agent”. Moon Jae-in is "subverting freedom, democracy, and South Korea”. We agree with his comments and plead with all South Koreans to denounce the MA’s anti- free, treasonous, and anti- humanitarian tactics under the guise of peace. Let’s all do our best to protect our hard earned freedom and to resolve the current political chaos, stopping our nation from going towards embracing communism.

Worldwide Patriotic Overseas Korean Leaders Association

8 November 2018

This declaration has been endorsed by the leaders of Overseas Koreans representing from the following 7 major countries.

Dr Shin, Sook-hee
President of NASA Koreans in Australia/Lecturer at UWS

Ko, Jae-un
President of Association of Japan-South Korea for Protecting Asia

New Zealand
Son, Maverick
Good Daddy Uhak Managing Director/ President of Korea Revival World Network

Lee, Back- soo
The Elder Koreans Abroad Council

Lee, Kyung- bok
President of North Korea Human Rights Committee in Canada Branch

Dr Lee, Michael
Previous America CIA agent /an expert in the matters of North Korea

Song, Young- gu
Vice President of German Koreans Association/프리덤뉴스



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